Start - English - My Android Apps

My Android apps have been available
in the Google Playstore
for a long time.
The "Tankies" app since the year 2013,
the others since summer 2021.
But since autumn 2021,
Google didn't support
the development system I use.
Thus, I couldn't apply any updates.
For this reason, my Android apps
are available here, now.

My apps are free and ad-free.
If you download and install them,
you are doing this on your own risk -
I don't take ANY responsibility.

After download, the apps
can be installed and used OFFLINE.
They don't need an online connection
("airplane" or "offline" mode).

A hint for "amateurs":
Android apps don't work on iPhones!

Here are the three apps -
each with a short explanation
and an "apk" file
for downloading and installing.


Alphabet Tree

Demo Garbage Collection

Privacy notice
(for my Android Apps)